What is Bazi?

Destiny is in our hands

Bazi is a pronunciation of the Chinese word “eight words”. As it said Bazi is using eight words to represent a person’s birth year, birth month, birth day and birth hour. These eight words are composed of 12,960,000 combinations. These compositions are combined with the luck of the person which changes every 10 years and the luck is composed of 60 combinations. And then every year is another 1 out of 60 combinations. Bazi is a destiny code. When we decode, we can see what is going to happen related to our lives. Bazi is telling us 1/3 of the story, the environment (family, friends and places) is the other 1/3 and the person’s action and decision is occupying the last 1/3 of the whole story. Even though we know what is going to happen, we can still change the outcome of the situation. This is why we always say destiny is in our hands.

Let’s say in your Bazi, we can see there will be challenges, obstacles or problems between your spouse and you. You can decide to get through the problems with your partner or decide to leave (divorce). The outcome is not written in bazi, but it can tell you if the outcome is going to be good or bad. So in the same example, if the person’s bazi is saying the outcome is good and the person stay with his/her spouse to get through the challenges, then they might be end up getting closer to each other. But if the person decides to get a divorce, they both might be happier in the end because there are no more disputes. Both results generate a good outcome.

Now you must be asking what about a twin? They must have the same destiny? As I mentioned before, Bazi only occupies 1/3 of our story. For a twin same sex (must be same sex since different sex will have the luck reverse so the Bazi will end up being different), we usually change the hour to the next hour to read the bazi differently. However, even twin, they will have different kind of friends and decision. So the outcome for both of them will be different. They might have to go through same kind of luck but it does not mean the outcome will be the same for both of them. Another example (I will use an extreme case here), two persons born in the same year, same month, same day and same hour and same minute but in two different families, they will have an outcome quite different. One person is born in a really rich family; the other person is born in a poor family. When they get to the luck for the fortune and the outcome is good, it means they will be both making more money. However the person in the rich family will probably be easier to make per say millions of dollars extra, the person in the poor family may be making thousands of dollars extra but both of them are making a fortune in their perspective. The situation depends all on the realm of possibilities and abilities that you can get.

In the scientific view, Bazi is based on astrology. It is based on the alignment of the sun and earth to tell us what kind of energy we are receiving. It generates 60 combinations in a cycle.

To conclude, Bazi is a tool for us to know what might happen in our life and if the outcome is good or bad. We are the one who decide what to do about this information. Remember destiny is in our hands!

5 Elements, Yin and Yang and 12 Animal Signs

In Bazi, we focus a lot on the 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They are representing all things in the world. This includes the Yin and Yang (Brightness and Darkness, Sun and Moon, Male and Female). All of these must be in balanced, cannot have excess of any elements, if so, we need to do some action to balance it out so you will feel better and happier in life.

The 12 animal signs are just representation of the 5 elements and the year that you are born is just 1/4 of the Bazi chart. So it really does not tell much about your destiny unless you read the whole chart. People focus on this, it is because the birth year represents the surrounding for the person, give people a head’s up on what is going on around them.

Start to make right decisions now !

With a Bazi consultation.